react-native-help-create: A friendly tool for React Native projects

Omar Belghaouti
18 min readMay 8, 2021


When I start developing in React Native I have noticed that there are many boilerplates (like creating components, redux implementation, navigations, … etc.) and some repeated things that you have to do in each project. It was then when I came with the idea of creating a command line tool that helps making the development process much faster and efficient.


What is react-native-help-create?

The simplest definition which describes this tool is a command line that can be ran on the root of a React Native project that is dedicated to help you create or delete components, screens, navigations and even redux implementation (in JavaScript and TypeScript) in very structured manner, and all of that is from executing one single line from your Shell.

How it was created?

This tool was created with the help of Node and two other dependencies which are:

  • file-system: This package was useful in creating files and folders and also in deleting them.
  • yargs: This package was used to handle creating commands and options for the command line.

This tool is an open source project and you can find the link for the repository here in order to see in detail how it was created.

How to install it?

As mentioned before, this tool is built with Node and in order to publish it I have used Node Package Manager. So you can install it in your system by executing the following command on you Shell:

npm i react-native-help-create -g


yarn global add react-native-help-create

This will install this tool globally in your system so you can run it every where. However, it detects if your at the root of a React Native project so it will not work in other places.

You can also install it inside your project as a dev dependency by executing:

npm i react-native-help-create --save-dev


yarn add react-native-help-create --dev

If you want to use it without installing it (using npm cache) run:

npx react-native-help-create --help

To see the available commands you can run:

rnhc --help

You can follow this link to see the npm page for this package.

How to use it?

This command line have many commands to helps you with creating, deleting and combing your implementations for screens, components and redux.

The following commands are used as from version 2.3.1

- Creating Files

rnhc provide you more flexibility and easy to use approach to create your files and folders for your components, screens navigations and redux implementation.

  • By default rnhc create files with the project’s language, so if the project is written in TypeScript all the created files will be in TypeScript, and the same applies for JavaScript.
  • If you want to force the use of a specific language you can add the — js or — ts options at the end of your create commands.
  • rnhc will not overwrite the existed implementation for all of the create commands.
  • If you want to overwrite the existed implementation for a specific create command you can add the --overwrite or -o option at the end of the command.

The following points shows how to use the create command.

— Components

  1. To create your components simply run:
rnhc create -c <component-name>

- This will create a component named after the given name <component-name> under the src/components/<component-name> folder.

— — Example

rnhc create -c test-component
  • This command will create the following directory src/components/test-component/ .
  • Where index.jsx represents the React FC component that contains the following:
import React from “react”;
import { Text, View } from “react-native”;
import { TestComponentStyles } from “./styles”;
export const TestComponent = () => {
return (
<Text>TestComponent component created!</Text>
  • And for the styles.js you will see:
import { StyleSheet } from “react-native”;export const TestComponentStyles = StyleSheet.create({});

2. To create multiple components simply run:

rnhc create -c <component-name-1> <component-name-2> …

- This will create multiple components for the given names under the src/components/ folder.

— — Exmaple

rnhc create -c comp-1 comp-2

- This command will create under the src/components/ folder.

3. To create one or multliple components in a specified path that resides under the src/components/ folder, simply run:

rnhc create -c <component-name-1> <component-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will create your components under the src/components/<folder-path>/ folder.

— — Example

rnhc create -c comp-1 comp-2 -f foo/bar

- This command will create under the src/components/ folder.

— Screens

  1. To create your screen simply run:
rnhc create -s <screen-name>

- This will create a screen after the given name screen-name under the src/screens/ folder.

— — Example

rnhc create -s test-screen
  • It will create index.jsx that represents the screen which is nothing but a React FC component that contains the following:
import React from “react”;
import { Text, View } from “react-native”;
import {} from “./functions”;
import { TestScreenStyles } from “./styles”;
export const TestScreenScreen = () => {
return (
<Text>TestScreen screen created!</Text>
  • As for styles.js you will find:
import { StyleSheet } from “react-native”;export const TestScreenStyles = StyleSheet.create({});
  • And under the functions folder you should write your screen’s functions and export them in functions/index.js file, which by default it will contain the following:
// write your TestScreen screen functions here

2. To create multiple screens simply run:

rnhc create -s <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> …

- This will create multiple screens under the src/screens/ folder.

— — Example

rnhc create -s screen-1 screen-2

3. To create one or multiple screens in a specific path that resides under src/screens/ folder, simply run:

rnhc create -s <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will create your screens under the src/screens/<folder-path> folder.

— — Example

rnhc create -s screen-1 screen-2 -f foo/bar

— Navigations

Navigations are the relations between chosen screens, those relations can be stack navigation, drawer navigation or tab navigation.

  1. To create a navigation between two or more screens, simply run:
rnhc create -n <navigation-type> <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> …

- The <navigation-type> can be either of these types: stack or drawer or tab.

- The number of given screens should be 2 or more.

- If one of the screens does not exist, rnhc will try to create the navigation.jsx file that resides next to the existed screens.

  • If all screens does not exist, rnhc will prompt you the following:
None of these screens exist

— — Example

rnhc create -n stack screen-1 screen-2

- This will create a navigation.jsx file next to screen-1 and screen-2 screens.

  • The content for the navigation.jsx file is as the following:
import React from “react”;import { createStackNavigator } from “@react-navigation/stack”;
const { Navigator, Screen } = createStackNavigator();
import { Screen1Screen } from “./screen-1”;
import { Screen2Screen } from “./screen-2”;
export const Navigation = () => {
return (
<Screen name=”screen-1" component={Screen1Screen} />
<Screen name=”screen-2" component={Screen2Screen} />

2. To create a navigation file for screens that resides in a specific path under the src/screens/ folder, you can run this:

rnhc create -n <navigation-type> <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will create the navigation.jsx file under the src/screens/<folder-path>/ folder for the screens that resides in the same location.

— — Example

rhnc create -n drawer screen-1 screen-2 -f foo/bar
  • This will create navigation.jsx file under src/screens/foo/bar/ folder which contains the following:
import React from “react”;import { createDrawerNavigator } from “@react-navigation/drawer”;
const { Navigator, Screen } = createDrawerNavigator();
import { Screen1Screen } from “./screen-1”;
import { Screen2Screen } from “./screen-2”;
export const Navigation = () => {
return (
<Screen name=”screen-1" component={Screen1Screen} />
<Screen name=”screen-2" component={Screen2Screen} />

3. To create a navigation that depends on another navigation you can run the same command as this:

rnhc create -n <navigation-type> <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> … <another-navigation-folder>

- This will create navigation.jsx file that resides in the same location for the given inputs.

— — Example

In this example we have a drawer navigation between screen-one and screen-two under the folder folder. And we want to create a stack navigation between folder and screen-three. And to show that rnhc will continue to run for the existed screens we added in the command line screen-four which does not exist as the following:

rnhc create -n stack folder screen-three screen-four
  • The command will output the following:
src/screens/screen-four/ does not exist
src/screens/navigation.jsx created

- And it will add a new navigation.jsx that resides between folder and screen-three .

  • And the content of the new navigation.jsx file will be like this:
import React from “react”;import { createStackNavigator } from “@react-navigation/stack”;
const { Navigator, Screen } = createStackNavigator();
import { Navigation as Folder } from “./folder/navigation”;
import { ScreenThreeScreen } from “./screen-three”;
export const Navigation = () => {
return (
<Screen name=”folder” component={Folder} />
<Screen name=”screen-three” component={ScreenThreeScreen} />

4. To create a navigation file for multiple screens that resides at the root of the src/screens/folder, you can run this:

rnhc create -n <navigation-type>
  • This will create the navigation file for all existed screens in the src/screens/ folder.

You can also run this command to create a navigation file for multiple screens that resides in a specific path under the src/screens/ folder:

rnhc create -n <navigation-type> -f <folder-path>
  • This will create the navigation file for all existed screens in the src/screens/<folder-path>/folder.
  • Thus also work for the nested navigations.
  • All the sub folders should contain the navigation files so it can be added to the navigation file you want to create, for example take this structure:
│ navigation.jsx

│ │
│ ├───screen-one
│ │ │ index.jsx
│ │ │ styles.js
│ │ │
│ │ └───functions
│ │ index.js
│ │
│ └───screen-two
│ │ index.jsx
│ │ styles.js
│ │
│ └───functions
│ index.js

│ │ index.jsx
│ │ styles.js
│ │
│ └───functions
│ index.js

│ index.jsx
│ styles.js


When you try to create a navigation like this:

rnhc create -n stack

It will contain only screen-three and screen-four because the src/screens/folder does not contain a navigation file.

So if you want to create a navigation file for all existed screens in the src/screens/ folder, you must take in consideration that all subfolders must contain a navigation file first and then you can either update the navigation file or create a new one.

By updating it means overwriting in other words, so you can just do this:

rnhc create -n stack -o

— Templates

You can create your screens and components with your defined templates by following these steps:

  1. First thing to do is to create a .template folder at the root of your react project.
  2. Inside the .template folder you can add your template, for example componentWithUseEffect.tsx (the file extension doesn’t matter so it could be *.jsx, *.js or *.tsx):
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
export default function __COMPONENT__() {
useEffect(() => {}, []);
return (
<Text>Hello, World!</Text>
  • There is a restriction in naming these templates which is you should not put dots (.) between the name, like this (component.WithUseEffect.jsx). It should only contain one dot that makes the extension file like we’re doing above.
  • You should type __COMPONENT__ in the template file and it will be replaced with the component name you want to create.

3. After creating your template you can use them to create components or screens as the following:

rnhc create -c <component-name> -t <template-name>rnhc create -s <screen-name> -t <template-name>
  • And of course, you can create multiple components or screens with the same template.

— — Example

As for our example it can be used like this for the above template:

rnhc create -c comp -t componentWithUseEffect
  • This will create comp component under src/components/ folder and the index.jsx for this component will contain the same code written in the template.
  • For the screen case, the index.jsx for that screen will contain the code written in the template.

— Redux

  • To create a redux implementation run:
rnhc create -r

- This will create a redux folder under the src/ folder.

  • Where you can find index.js under the redux folder contains the redux store definition:
import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from “redux”;
import { mainReducer } from “./reducers”;
* the main redux state, with all the reducers
export const mainStore = createStore(
* Creates a new redux state each time this function is called, this is used only for unit tests, to ensure that we have fresh state on each individual test
export const createMainStore = () => {
return createStore(mainReducer, compose(applyMiddleware(thunk)));

- And actions folder contains the action for each reducer, as for a example, at first rnhc will create a sample reducer and action which is called general.

  • The general action’s index.js contains:
// write your general actions here// this is an example for an action
export const init = () => async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({ type: “UPDATE_GENERAL”, payload: { message: “init created!” } });
  • And the general reducer’s index.js contains:
const initialState = { message: “” };export const general = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { …state, …action.payload };
return state;
  • And the index.js file under the reducers folder contains the following:
import { combineReducers } from “redux”;
import { general } from “./general”;
export const mainReducer = combineReducers({

- In TypeScript, the files will be written as the following:


import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from “redux”;
import { mainReducer } from “./reducers”;
* the main redux state, with all the reducers
export const mainStore = createStore(
export type StateInterface = ReturnType<typeof mainStore.getState>;
* list of action types
export type ActionType = “UPDATE_GENERAL”;
export interface Action<T> {
type: ActionType;
payload: Partial<T>;
export type ThunkResult<
A = Record<string, unknown>,
E = Record<string, unknown>
> = ThunkAction<void, StateInterface, E, Action<A>>;
export type Dispatch<A> = ThunkDispatch<
Record<string, unknown>,


import { GeneralState } from “../../reducers/general”;
import { ThunkResult } from “../..”;
// write your general actions here// this is an example for an action
export const init = (): ThunkResult<GeneralState> => async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({ type: “UPDATE_GENERAL”, payload: { message: “init created!” } });


import { Action } from “../..”;export interface GeneralState {
message: string;
export const general = (
state: GeneralState = {
message: “”,
action: Action<GeneralState>
) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { …state, …action.payload };
return state;


import { combineReducers } from “redux”;
import { general } from “./general”;
export const mainReducer = combineReducers({


1 — To create a reducer, you must have a redux implementation then run:

rnhc create --reducer <reducer-name>


rnhc create --reducer auth
  • This will create a auth reducer under the src/redux/reducers/ folder and the index.js for this reducer will contain the same code written in the template.


const initialState = {};export const auth = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
  • It will also add the reducer to the index.js file under the reducers folder to use it in the combineReducers function.


import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import { auth } from "./auth";
import { general } from "./general";
export const mainReducer = combineReducers({
  • If you don’t have a redux implementation create using rnhc create -r, this command will prompt:
Redux implementation does not exist
  • You can also overwrite the reducer by running:
rnhc create --reducer <reducer-name> -o

2 — To create multiple reducers, you must have a redux implementation then run:

rnhc create --reducer <reducer-name-1> <reducer-name-2> ...
  • This will also update your index.js file under the reducers folder to use the reducers you created.


  • To create an action, you must have a redux implementation as wee as the reducer you want to add an action for it, then run:
rnhc create --action <reducer-name> <action-name>


  • In this example we are going to create an action for the auth reducer, so we will run:
rnhc create --action auth login
  • This will create a login action under the src/redux/actions/auth/ folder and the login.js for this action will contain the same code written in the template.


export const loginAction = () => async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({ type: "AUTH_LOGIN", payload: {} });
  • And it will update the index.js file under src/redux/actions/auth/ to export the action.


export { loginAction } from "./login";

2 — To create multiple actions, you must have a redux implementation and existed reducer, then run:

rnhc create --action <reducer-name> <action-name-1> <action-name-2> ...
  • If the reducer doesn’t exist, you will get an error like this:
./src/redux/reducers/x does not exist
  • Keep in mind that this also works for TypeScript projects. Even better when creating an action for a reducer in TypeScript, you will get TypeScript support as well as updating the ActionTypein the src/redux/index.ts file. For example if you create an action for the auth reducer, you will get the following:


import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from "redux";
import thunk, { ThunkAction, ThunkDispatch } from "redux-thunk";
import { mainReducer } from "./reducers";/**
* the main redux state, with all the reducers
export const mainStore = createStore(
* Creates a new redux state each time this function is called, this is used only for unit tests, to ensure that we have fresh state on each individual test
export const createMainStore = () => {
return createStore(mainReducer, compose(applyMiddleware(thunk)));
export type StateInterface = ReturnType<typeof mainStore.getState>;/**
* list of action types
export type ActionType = "AUTH_LOGIN" | "UPDATE_GENERAL";
export interface Action<T> {
type: ActionType;
payload: Partial<T>;
export type ThunkResult<
A = Record<string, unknown>,
E = Record<string, unknown>
> = ThunkAction<void, StateInterface, E, Action<A>>;
export type Dispatch<A> = ThunkDispatch<
Record<string, unknown>,
  • It will also update the necessary files that imports and exports modules in order to use the action in the reducer.
  • Also another note, if you prefer not using redux-thunk you can set that in rnhc.config.json file, this will let you create your store and actions without applying the redux-thunk middleware (For more details check configuration section).


With the above steps, you can now create a configuration file which will be used by rnhc to create your files with your custom config.

  • To create a default configuration file run:
rnhc create --config
  • This will create a rnhc.config.json file at the root of your project. The file will contain the following:
"withStyles": true,
"withFunctions": true,
"withProps": true,
"defaultExports": true,
"componentsRoot": "./src/components",
"screensRoot": "./src/screens",
"reduxRoot": "./src/redux",
"applyReduxThunk": true
  1. withStyles: if true, create styles.js (or styles.ts) file for components and pages, if false, don’t create styles.js (or styles.ts) file, default is true.
  2. withFunctions: if true, create functions folder for pages, if false, don’t create functions folder, default is true.
  3. withProps: if true, create props interface for components and pages (in TS only), if false, don’t create props interface, default is true.
  4. defaultExports: if true, create default export for components and pages, if false, create named export for components and pages, default is true.
  5. componentsRoot: the root folder for components, default is ./src/components.
  6. screensRoot: the root folder for screens, default is ./src/screens.
  7. reduxRoot: the root folder for redux, default is ./src/redux.
  8. applyReduxThunk: if true, apply redux-thunk middleware to the store, if false, don’t apply redux-thunk middleware, default is true.
  • If no configuration file is found or you don’t specify some of the configuration, the default configuration will be used.
  • Deleting Files

With rnhc you can delete what you already created with create commands.

The following points shows how to deal with deleting your files with the delete command.

— Components

  1. To delete a component simply run:
rnhc delete -c <component-name>

- This will delete the component with the given name <component-name> under the src/components/ folder.

  • If the component does not exist, rnhc will prompt the following:
src/components/<component-name>/ does not exist

2. To delete multiple components run:

rnhc delete -c <component-name-1> <component-name-2> …

- This will delete only the existed components with the given inputs that resides under the src/components/ folder.

3. To delete one or multiple components that resides in a specific path under the src/components/ folder, you can run:

rnhc delete -c <component-name-1> <component-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will delete only the existed components with the given inputs that resides under the src/components/<folder-path>/ folder.

— Screens

  1. To delete a screen simply run:
rnhc delete -s <screen-name>

- This will delete the screen with the given name <screen-name> under the src/screens/ folder.

  • If the screen does not exist, rnhc will prompt the following:
src/screens/<screen-name>/ does not exist

2. To delete multiple screens run:

rnhc delete -s <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> …

- This will delete only the existed screens with the given inputs that resides under the src/screens/ folder.

3. To delete one or multiple screens that resides in a specific path under the src/screens/ folder, you can run:

rnhc delete -s <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will delete only the existed screens with the given inputs that resides under the src/screens/<folder-path>/ folder.

— Navigations

  1. To delete a navigation file that resides in src/screens/ folder simply run:
rnhc delete -n
  • This will delete the navigation file if it exists, if not rnhc will prompt the following:
It seems there is no navigation file in src/screens/

2. To delete a navigation file that resides in a specific path that resides under src/screens/ folder you can run:

rnhc delete -n -f <folder-path>

- This will delete the navigation file if it does exist under the src/screens/<folder-path>/ folder.

— Redux

  • To delete a redux implementation run:
rnhc delete -r

- This will delete the redux folder under src/ with all of its files and subfolders.

  • If redux does not exist, rnhc will prompt:
src/redux/ does not exist
  • Reducers

1 — To delete a reducer run:

rnhc delete --reducer <reducer-name>
  • This will delete the existed reducer under src/redux/reducer/ folder, if not rnhc will prompt the following:
./src/redux/reducers/<reducer-name>/ does not exist
  • It will also update the index.js file under src/redux/reducer/ folder to remove it from the import list as well as from the combineReducers function.

2 — You can even delete multiple reducers at once:

rnhc delete --reducer <reducer-name-1> <reducer-name-2> ...

3 — To delete all reducers run:

rnhc delete --reducer
  • Actions

1 — To delete an action run:

rnhc delete --action <reducer-name> <action-name>
  • If the reducer does not exist, rnhc will prompt the following:
./src/redux/actions/<reducer-name>/ does not exist
  • It will also update the necessary files to remove the action from the reducer. And in case of TypeScript projects it will remove the action type in the src/redux/index.ts.

2 — You can even delete multiple actions for a specific reducer at once:

rnhc delete --action <reducer-name> <action-name-1> <action-name-2> ...

3 — To delete all actions for a specific reducer run:

rnhc delete --action <reducer-name>


  • To delete a configuration file run:
rnhc delete --config
  • This will delete the rnhc.config.json file at the root of the project.
  • If rnhc.config.json does not exist, rnhc will prompt:
rnhc.config.json does not exist
  • Combining Files

With rnhc you can combine your components or screens in a specific path.

The following points shows how to user the combine command.

— Components

  • To combine components that resides in src/components/ folder to a specific path that resides under that same folder you can run:
rnhc combine -c <component-name-1> <component-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will move the existed components for the given inputs to src/components/<folder-path>/ folder.

  • If somehome one of the given components does not exist, rnhc will prompt:
Check if all of these components exist

— — Example

In this example, we have comp-1 and comp-2 that exists under src/components/ folder, and we want to move them to src/components/foo/bar/ folder:

rnhc combine -c comp-1 comp-2 -f foo/bar
  • The command will outputs the following:
comp-1 component moved to src/components/foo/bar/
comp-2 component moved to src/components/foo/bar/

— Screens

  • To combine screens that resides in src/screens/ folder to a specific path that resides under that same folder you can run:
rnhc combine -s <screen-name-1> <screen-name-2> … -f <folder-path>

- This will move the existed screens for the given inputs to src/screens/<folder-path>/ folder.

  • If somehome one of the given screens does not exist, rnhc will prompt:
Check if all of these screens exist

— — Example

In this example, we have screen-1 and screen-2 that exists under src/screens/ folder, and we want to move them to src/screens/foo/bar/ folder:

rnhc combine -s screen-1 screen-2 -f foo/bar
  • The command will outputs the following:
screen-1 screen moved to src/screens/foo/bar/
screen-2 screen moved to src/screens/foo/bar/

- Notes

  • To see the available commands for rnhc you can run:
rnhc — help
  • To see the available positionals and options for a specific command like create you can run:
rnhc create — help
  • In order to rnhc to work, you must be at the root of your React Native project. It will check and if somehow you are not at the root of the project, rnhc will prompt:
You don’t seem to be at the root of a react native project
  • In create command, rnhc will create files with the project’s used language, so if the project is written with TypeScript, it will write files with TypeScript, the same apply for JavaScript.
  • If you want to create files with a specific language you can add — js or — ts options at the end of your create command, like this for example:
rnhc create -s test-screen --ts
  • It is advisable to give the components and screens names with this case component-name and screen-name, for example:
rnhc create -s world-to-react
  • You can always overwrite your implementation using the --overwrite or -o option, for example:
rnhc create -c test-component -ornhc create -s test-screen -ornhc create -r -ornhc create --reducer test-reducer -ornhc create --action test-reducer test-action -o
  • This is helpful when you want to update your navigation files, for example you already have a navigation file in src/screens/ folder and you want to update it with the new screens you created:
rnhc create -n stack --overwrite
  • When creating reducers you should have already a redux implmentation created with rnhc create -r so it can work.
  • When creating actions, you should have already a redux implementation created with rnhc create -r as well as an existed reducer with rnhc create --reducer <reducer-name> so it can create actions for that specific reducer.
  • Creating and deleting reducers and actions will not just delete files, but also update other files that depends on them under the src/redux/ folder (Or your specified path for the root of redux folder in rnhc.config.json).

Future work

This tool is a working progress and it will be always updated to give you even more help for your development process for your React Native projects.

In each new version this article will be updated so you can learn for the new things that you can do with this tool and hopefully it will provide you what you need.



Omar Belghaouti
Omar Belghaouti

Written by Omar Belghaouti

A competent software developer with a proven track record in making applications in frontend and backend.

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